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There is a learning curve with anything new. Starting a new business is no exception. Our goal with this section is to limit the learning curve by providing easily duplicatable steps that can be performed by anybody. There is a lot to remember and think about when you open your Unfranchise. We understand the amount of information may seem overwhelming. Trust us, if you follow the system, you will be successful.
Download, print and read the Getting Started Guide.
Download and print all the documents from Part 1-2-3 Resource Guide to Business Building. Create a booklet from all files.
Download: Building Your Contact List and replace the document titled "Making Your Names List" from the Part 1-2-3 Resource Guide to Business Building. Although both documents are similar, Building Your Contact List is more professional and uses better terminology.
Download: Starting a New UFO Properly Checklist
Download: BV Order Reporting
Helpful tips to support Part 1-2-3 Resource Guide to Business Building:
Download: Pre-Registration Tips
Download: Registration Tips
Download: Post-Registration Tips
The company provides three required trainings. The three required trainings are New Unfranchise Training (NUOT), The Basic Five (B5), and Executive Coordinator Certified Training (ECCT). We strongly encourage all business partners to attend these trainings multiple times because the company is ever changing and it's almost impossible to absorb everything at the first training. As always, we suggest you consult with your senior business partner to schedule your attendance at these trainings.
Our mission is to proudly share the health and financial benefits of the Market America/ entrepreneurial platform and to commit to a wholesome life of learning and giving.

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